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Family Portrait, 92 Whitehall Street Rochdale 9th July 1913

Date: Assumed 1985

Family Portrait 92 Whitehall Street - George Mainwaring – Rochdale Artist

George's Notes

The last painting George was working on.

When George lived at 92 Whitehall Street, Rochdale, the house was across the road from the Rochdale Infirmary and Dispensary, his pal next door was Ted Humphries. The Humphries family were only four, Mr. and Mrs. Humphries, Ted and his elder brother. Mr. Humphries was an electrician and being ‘better off’, had a camera. The original Infirmary had been a bequest from Thomas Watson, a local mill owner and was opened by the great John Bright M.P. in 1883.

By 1910 there was great need for a larger hospital and a successful fund-raising campaign raised £22, 757, enough for two 28 bed wards and other facilities. The completion of the new wings coincided with the Royal Tours of Britain by King George 5th who visited Rochdale on 9th July 1913. The King agreed to open the new Infirmary wings but did not actually visit the Infirmary. From the balcony of the Town Hall, in the presence of a great and loyal crowd, the King pressed a button,

“That simple action broke an electrical circuit and unveiled a commemorative tablet at the Infirmary.”

The novel electrical work had been carried out by Mr. Humphries who was at the unveiling of the tablet with his camera. In the photo, all members of the family are dressed in their best, appropriate to the occasion.

John Mainwaring

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